I’m passionate about helping you connect with your Soul

Hi, I’m Keira

Lover of Mysticism. Granddaughter of the stars.

I think we could spend our entire lifetime getting to know our own Soul - and that’s what I want to do. And I want to help you do it too!

Never will all of me fit into a tiny description! Do you feel the same?

Although I studied Design, once I found Yoga & Spirituality, there was no going back. The physical practice of yoga, and all of the teachings that came along with it quenched a deep thirst in me for something I didn’t realize I had. I couldn’t get enough. I’ve been teaching Yoga & Meditation since 2011, and steeping in & exploring my own practices since before that.

Finding moments of awe, synchronicity, magic, connection, perspective & aha - even in the mundane - is what keeps me in love with & devoted to the world of the lesser seen.

I believe that when we make space & take time to step out of the rat-race and step into the realm of time-no-time we begin to open our hearts, minds & psyches to a world of infinite possibility. It feels like a brave & necessary act to let go of the urge to constantly be logical & to take on a mindset of wonder, curiosity & receptivity - to explore the intuition.

If you feel aligned with these statements, my offerings may be just what you’re looking for! Perhaps you’d be up for an Intro to Meditation e-course, an Intuitive Reading or a local or online Gathering of our CommUnity.


~ Keira

Questions? Contact me.

I can help

Guide you to

Meditation & Movement

Get out of your head and into your heart with intuitive yoga & mindfulness practices.

Be your Spirit’s messenger

Intuitive Readings

Allow me to help you find clarity & understanding by interpreting your messages from Spirit.

Connect you to commUnity


Connect & share with like-minded people in-person & online to build meaningful realationships.